Kate Beckinsale Suka T*t*k Queen Latifah

Secretly, Kate Beckinsale have a special admiration for one would breast Hollywood actress. If you can, she wants to switch breasts while the actress was. Breast is owned by the admired Queen Latifah star 'Van Helsing' was. Raised in a family that has small breasts, occasionally she wanted to feel what it's like a big tits like Latifah. "I wanted to like big breasts and original like Queen Latifah. I'm easily impressed on the breasts because my mother was also classified as small-breasted," as quoted Becksinsale vent prinside.Picture Although perceived as a lack of breasts, but she entertained with beautiful feet. According to her husband, director Len Wiseman, Kate's long legs the most beautiful in the world. "I remember when I was 13 years old and crying at the shoe store because of this long leg," recalled 33-year-old actress, laughing.


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