Gambar Adegan Lucah Ayu Azhari

When Ayu Azhari to election campaigning in Sukabumi, mother of six children received the test. Photos Ayu are doing intimate relationships with men bule circulated on the Internet.

Photographs that allegedly attempts to prevent Ayu step forward in the election or Sukabumi populer called black campaign. There are five broad picture that is circulating.

Four photos allegedly came from cuplikan film 'Without Mercy' (1995) who have played by Ayu. In the photographs that appear Ayu are doing sex scenes with a man bule.

Sex scene is done in the bathtub or Jacuzzi bath of hot water. Some body Ayu and men bule is closed lather. But Ayu breast visible. The fourth photo shows a different photo angle ends.

Then in the fifth photo are visible Ayu dugem with some relatives. Which became the center of attention is the fifth photo in the pants that Ayu ngintip himself when sitting.

Not only photos, no statement of the participating photos is. Statement is questioning the religious dianut by Ayu. Ayu mentioned in the statement is not run as fast Representative Regent Sukabumi.

What do Ayu Azhari?


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